Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 32 - Liberty Jail

Well Hello again! I cant believe that its been another week, it has come and gone just like that and transfers are a week from today! Time is going way to fast!!! I honestly have no idea where to begin.... 

This past weekend we got to volunteer at the Kansas City Genealogy Convention. So much fun! We just got to talk with people about family history and cool stories they had and really got people comfortable and friendly with us. (so hopefully in the future when missionaries knock at there door they will remember us and let those missionaries in) Passing time, we got to play around and add our faces into old school pictures! So much fun, I also learned where my family originated from. So pretty cool. 

I got to meet ELDER COOK! So amazing,
So here's the back store, I wasn't supposed to be at the jail, I was actually supposed to be heading to the genealogy convention,  but I knew Sister Anderson (previous companion) had left a few items at our apartment and the spirit kept telling me to take them to her even though we had no time for it. BUT I'm so grateful that I listened, when I got to the Jail, one of the sisters came up and said Elder Cook is here! I didn't process it until half way down the hall 😂👍. I got to shake his hand and yes I have not washed it sense :) just kidding but it really was just an amazing opportunity that Heavenly Father knew I needed. The reason I say that is, lately I have been having a difficult time knowing if I am doing any good (just like every missionary) and especially at the jail where it is really dead right now,  all you do for 6 hours is study. But Elder Cook pulled us all a side and said. " I know that you sometimes feel isolated here, but the impact you sisters have on people and the experience that they receive here is life changing".
Heavenly Father knew that I needed to hear that. Elder Cook was really embarrassed because he was in his casual entire basically church clothes without a tie 😂

One really special experience I had this week was at a dinner appointment, this family invited our investigator who is getting baptized next Saturday!  SO EXCITED. Anyways they had us over and it was really fun.  We had dinner and then went into the living room and had like a lesson/discussion over the gospel.  The spirit was so strong. At one point I looked over at our investigator and it was crazy, but I got the impression that he was one of the people I was supposed to find here on my mission.  I am so proud of him and so grateful to have been part of this amazing change and happiness in his life.  The work is true and Heavenly Father is constantly preparing the one(s) you need to find.  Who he needs YOU to find. 

I love you all so much and please again let me know if there is anything I can ever do for any of you❤


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