Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Week Two - MTC

Hey everyone! I love you so much and miss you all like crazy! 

This mission has been a roller coaster so far, (ha ha) but that's what makes it so fun! 
Thank you, for all those who have emailed or sent Dear Elder letters to me.  I love getting them and can read them whenever. 

So last Tuesday we had an amazing devotional, it was full of the spirit. Me and my companion got escorted to the front so that was fun!  I learned that I'm not only a child of God! I'm a child of authority! So that was cool I never viewed it that way.  Also to be cheerful, this gospel should make you so happy, that you need to show it! 

I had a great week of cramming things into my brain, I hoping they stay in there. I usually get about 3 hours of personal study and it goes by so fast.  I long for those personal studies, it's time for me to just breath. 

Sunday was hard again it was better then last week. I got to meet with my branch president and I fell apart, he is amazing and just comforted me.  After that I was really good.  I just kept feeling overwhelmed, but the joy of this gospel keeps me grounded. 

Sunday night we went to a video devotional and learned about the spirit.  I've been stressing out to know if I was feeling the spirit or if it was just me.  Well Elder Bednar,  set me straight, he said,


That hit me so hard because I felt like if I wasn't feeling the spirit, I wasn't going to be a good missionary, when the truth is, god has called me to this work. He needs me and I need him and he has promised me he would be with me. I love my savior so much.

Cool experience at the Sunday devotional, before Bednar let me have it. I was sitting there having a stressful moment of doubt and fear and so I just had a thought, close your eyes.  So I closed my eyes and I saw my Saviors face smiling at me.  The stress and doubts went away. Then with my eyes still closed I saw his hand stretched out to me and me grabbing it. The savior is aware of me and all of you! 

I love you all so much and I love this gospel.
xoxo Sister Bitters

Her favorite in her package this week from Chelsey even if it was Mini:)

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